г. Кишинёв, ул. Пушкина, 58 (здание "Casa Mobilei", этаж II)
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Сб: 11:00 - 16:00
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Мяч для настольного тенниса Donic 3* ITTF Champion 608542 white (6660)

Мяч для настольного тенниса Donic 3* ITTF Champion 608542 white (6660)

Код товара: 6660
На складе
40 леев

по Кишиневу 100 леев
по Молдове есть

  • The new premium competition ball with ITTF approval made of plastic 40 mm 40+ from Schildkröt. Celluloide-free. Ball colour: white.
  • The Schildkröt Champion ITTF is the only legitimate successor to the previous turtle Super ITTF, which has gone from the range in the framework of the celluloid to poly. This ball has been the reference for many decades for the highest quality competition balls/tuner balls with ITTF approval. Here now in the new poly-quality/plastic
  • 120 big balls, ball color white, black stamp, ITTF approved.
  • The German brand Schildkröt is considered an inventor of the table tennis ball and has been producing TT balls since 1896. Schildkröt is considered to be the inventor of the table tennis ball in its current form.
  • The Schildkröt Champion 3* ITTF offers the player a hand-selected premium ball quality from Schildköt. Very good jumping properties, very good durability, reliable round. 40 mm diameter.
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