IA - the Story of a Masterpiece

Контакты продавца
mun. Chișinău, MD 2009, str. V. Pârcălab, 2, of. 12.
Все товары
Контакты продавца
mun. Chișinău, MD 2009, str. V. Pârcălab, 2, of. 12.
Все товары

Ediția engleză a cărții

”MăiestrIA - povestea cusută a iei”


Album dedicat iei autentice românești

și celor care își doresc să coase propria lor ie. 

Autor: Stela Moldovanu

448 pagini, copertă cartonată,

format 24x30 cm, tiraj 500 ex. 


”This book is a beauty album dedicated to the Romanian traditional blouse IA, as well as to all those who are willing to start embroidering, but hesitate to do the first step. I tried to bring forward the genuine Romanian shirts sewn currently by active women who may only dedicate time for this calling either late at night or early in the morning. Today we no longer need to sew our clothes, but we rather do it with pure pleasure. Embroidery brings clarity into our minds and connects us to the Sky and the Earth. It is only our own IA sewn by our hands that transforms us in creators, teaches us to meditate and renews us forever”. 

Stela Moldovanu

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