Heap House: The Iremonger Trilogy 1 - Esward Carey

Contactele vânzătorului
mun. Chișinău, MD 2009, str. V. Pârcălab, 2, of. 12.
www.cartego.md Toate produsele
Contactele vânzătorului
mun. Chișinău, MD 2009, str. V. Pârcălab, 2, of. 12.
www.cartego.md Toate produsele

With illustrations!
The Iremongers are a mean and cruel family, robust and hardworking, living in the Heaps, a vast sea of lost and discarded items.

A storm is brewing over Heap House. The Iremongers are growing restless and the whispers are getting louder. When Clod meets Lucy, a girl newly arrived from the city, everything changes. The secrets that bind Heap House together begin to unravel to reveal a dark truth that threatens to destroy Clod's world.

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