Jim Reaper: Saving Granny Maggot

Contactele vânzătorului
mun. Chișinău, MD 2009, str. V. Pârcălab, 2, of. 12.
www.cartego.md Toate produsele
Contactele vânzătorului
mun. Chișinău, MD 2009, str. V. Pârcălab, 2, of. 12.
www.cartego.md Toate produsele

7-9 years

Jim is getting to grips with his father's rather unusual job at the Dead End Office and is keeping the truth secret as a promise to Dad. But when Jim sees that Will's grandma is next on the list of Death Dates, he springs into action. Even though Granny Maggot is smelly, mean-spirited, and VERY unfriendly, his best friend Will adores her. Jim has to do something! If the boys can keep Will's granny safe until midnight, can they save her life?

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